Category Archives: Real Estate

Advantages of buying real estate in California

Property owners in the state have numerous options to see excellent returns on their investments! From stocks to bonds to bitcoin, investments come in different forms and sizes. But, regardless of the type of investment, investors want something that provides them with security, regular dividends, and a higher-than-average return on their money. Jamell Tousant says real estate is one type of investment that checks all of these boxes. Investing in real estate provides you with a buffer against economic downturns. Property is a solid source of passive income and has the potential to appreciate; thus, it also provides regular earnings in the form of rent. You must spend your resources in the right market if you want to gain the full benefits of property investing. Many investors have been drawn to the California real estate market over the years, and Oakland Realtor, Jamell Tousant, will explain why. 

Factors Affecting the Real Estate Market in California- The following are some of the most important factors that have a big impact on California real estate:

  • A thriving economy

The total number of Fortune 500 firms is based in California. Oracle, Disney, Apple, Intel, and Google are among the notable mentions. According to Jamell Tousant, these businesses will undoubtedly expand as a result of the growing demand for their services from both the local and international communities. If you want to invest in a region with a thriving economy and job market, this is one to consider. Low unemployment rates benefit you as a landlord since you can rest assured that your tenants will be able to satisfy their rental obligations without difficulty.

  • Property is in high demand.

Professionals are moving into the state daily to take advantage of the abundant career opportunities. Jamell Tousant explains that this means there will be a larger pool of potential tenants to pick from.

  • Tourism Market Is Strong

Even if you’re an out-of-state investor, you’ll enjoy the views, attractions, and activities that California has to offer. You may have even visited with your family in the past. This is just another compelling incentive to invest in California real estate now that you’ve decided to do so. California attracts millions of visitors each year thanks to its amusement parks, entertainment hubs, beaches, and other interesting activities. While they may be arriving for various reasons, they all have one thing in common: the need for lodging. In order to save money, more tourists are opting for short-term vacation rental homes rather than typical hotels. You can always choose to invest in a market with a constant supply of short-term renters instead of leasing out your property traditionally. You can also choose from a variety of apps and platforms on the market, such as Airbnb,, and Expedia, to mention a few.

  • Property Taxes That Aren’t Too Expensive

Property ownership and leasing are similar to running a business, explains Jamell Tousant. Cash flow, revenue, and expenses must all be closely monitored. This implies that you must also pay taxes and keep meticulous financial records.

Although California’s property taxes are not the lowest in the country, they are modest when compared to other states such as Washington and New Jersey. As a landlord, this can help you increase your cash flow!

Moshe Weisblum Discusses the Benefits of Real Estate Consulting

When you’re planning to buy a property, you have a million things on your mind. You’re worried about the location, the layout, the size, and the price. And while these are all important factors, you may not be thinking about whether or not the property you’re considering is a good investment. 

It’s easy to get caught up in the moment, says real estate consultant, Moshe Weisblum. But you should never buy an investment property without first consulting with a professional.  

Most people don’t know much about the differences between residential and commercial property. And if you’re considering an investment property, it’s likely a commercial one. Whether you want to become a landlord or invest in an up-and-coming retail space, real estate consulting can help ensure that you’re making the right choice for your portfolio. 

What Is a Real Estate Consultant? Moshe Weisblum Explains

A real estate consultant is hired to advise you before, during, and after the purchase of an investment property, says Moshe Weisblum. A consultant’s job is to provide impartial advice on the price, location, and condition of a property and help you decide if it’s a good fit for your portfolio.

If you find a property or real estate investment opportunity that you’re excited about but aren’t sure if it will be a good investment, it’s worth hiring a real estate consultant. They can help you weigh your options, examine the risks, and research the other properties that may be a good fit in your area. 

What is the Difference Between a Real Estate Agent and a Real Estate Consultant? 

A real estate agent is a professional who assists people in buying, selling or leasing properties. A real estate consultant is someone who advises people on the potential of particular properties as well as their investment value.

A real estate agent does not do the same thing as a real estate consultant. A real estate agent is trained to help you find and buy a home. They are not financial experts, and they often have no experience in commercial property.

If you are interested in buying real estate as an investment, it is vital that you consult with a real estate consultant and not a real estate agent, says Moshe Weisblum.

What Does a Real Estate Consultant Do? 

There are many things you should consider before purchasing a property, including your budget, your timeline, and the neighborhood you want to live in. If you feel overwhelmed by all of these factors, hiring a real estate consultant may be worth it.

Real estate consulting services vary but usually include researching local market trends and statistics to help determine how much a property could potentially be worth, says Moshe Weisblum. In addition, they can provide advice on what might be an appropriate purchase price for any given property and provide recommendations on lenders and inspectors to use during the process.

Knowing how things work will help you make better decisions for yourself, your family, and your business. That way you won’t end up making costly mistakes that put all your hard work at risk. Hiring a professional who specializes in the real estate field will help ensure everything goes smoothly and that your money isn’t wasted or lost due to inexperience.